
Global Seafood Industry - GlobeNewswire

New York, July 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Seafood Industry" -
7 billion by 2027. Global food supply chains are severely disrupted as governments move swiftly to implement trade restrictions to protect domestic food supplies, a move that has and still continues to impact countries dependent on food imports. Along with several other food products, export revenues of even seafood are declining as countries close borders and halt trade. Fish and aquatic food value chain is currently witnessing a medley of challenges ranging from shutdown of operations, changing consumer demands, market access and logistical problems, and transportation and border restrictions. Supply chain interruptions caused by disruptions in transportation, trade and labor have halted both fish farming and commercial fishing operations. Delayed stocking of aquaculture feed and systems is impacting production with rising prices threatening to be a key fallout.

-Commercial fishing fleets are tied up as part of the restrictions negatively impacting commercial fishing which is a major part of the global food system. The value chain for fish and fish products is labor intensive and all of these factors discussed above are impacting food security and nutrition for populations that rely on fish for animal protein and essential micronutrients. Misconception and misinformation published in media of seafood being a carrier of COVID-19 virus and a potential route of transmission to humans is leading to sudden decline in consumption. Closure of restaurants and hotels, which represent large buyers of fish and seafood, has impacted sales significantly. Lower demand, setbacks to exports and higher costs of operations are chipping off profit margins of fisheries and seafood companies. The entire fishing industry comprising open catch, culturing, processing, preserving, storing, transporting, marketing and retiling of fish or fish products has been impacted. Unless immediate corrective measures and policy changes are made, seafood a critical part of food security goals, will become less affordable for the poor under the current scenario.

-With the easing of the lockdown restrictions, the market will however regain lost growth momentum. Seafood will remain a healthy food option and an indulgent treat and mainstay of salads in luxury dinners and food parties. Continued developments in aquaculture and the ensuing availability of wider product choices will spur growth, alongside the growing focus of governments worldwide to utilize fisheries to achieve food security goals. The focus on reducing fish waste and losses and rise in sustainable and responsible fisheries management will positively benefit growth in the market by ensuring easy physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, nutritious and affordable seafood products. Few of the market forces at play during the pre-pandemic period included advancements in freezing technologies and cold chain logistics and the ensuing popularity of chilled and frozen seafood; robust demand for prepared and preserved/cured seafood options among consumers on the lookout for safe and convenient food options; strong revenue potential of fishmeal and fish oil; establishment of seafood only restaurants and expanding varieties of gourmet seafood dishes and the resulting healthy growth of farmed seafood in the foodservice industry. Over the last decade, Asia-Pacific has emerged into a major market, supported by factors such as presence of developing Asian countries with economic dependence on fisheries exports; availability of vast coastlines, rivers and inland water resources rich in marine and fresh water fishery resource; growing consumer preference for protein rich foods; and increasing per capita consumption of fish among the growing base of affluent middle class population.

Read the full report:



Seafood: An Edible Marine and Aquatic Commodity for Meeting
Food Security and Nutrition Needs
Global Fish Consumption Breakdown (in %) by Mode for Feed, Food
and Others: 2019
Sources of Protein Worldwide: Breakdown of Protein Consumption
(in %) by Source (2019)
Global Politics, Economics, and Weather: Significant Impact on
Seafood Industry
Key Market Traits in a Nutshell
Longstanding Growth Variables
Aquaculture as a Viable Mode of Seafood Production Set to
Replace Capture Production in the Long Run
Global Seafood Production (In Million Metric Tons)
Global Aquaculture Production Trends: An Overview
Global Aquaculture Production (in Mt) for the Years 2011
through 2027
Aquaculture as % of Fish & Seafood Production by Region for
2008, 2018 and 2028
Concerns over Depleting Fish Stocks Curtail Capture Production
Global Marine Fishery Sector: Percentage Breakdown by State of
Fish Stock (2019)
Carp Dominates Freshwater Aquaculture Production, followed by
Global Aquaculture Production by Species (in Tonnes) for 2016-2018
Aquaculture Market Continues to Soar Driven by Positive
Production and Consumption in Developing Countries
Global Aquaculture Production: Percentage Breakdown of
Production Volume by Geographic Region for 1997, 2017 and 2027
Seafood Market: Consumption Determined by Availability Rather
than Affordability
Global Market Outlook
Asia-Pacific Leads the Global Seafood Sector
Impact of COVID-19 and Looming Economic Recession on Seafood
COVID-19 Pandemic Disrupts Fish Trade with Dismal Demand and
Supply Issues
COVID-19 Pandemic Creates Notable Demand Vacuum in Seafood
As the World Stares at a Recession, Seafood Industry Prospects
Global Economic Outlook: Real GDP Growth Rates in % by Country/
Region for the Years 2019-2021
Leading Players in the World Seafood Market
Recent Market Activity


Growing Preference for Healthy, Nutritious, and Protein-Rich
Diets Drive Healthy Demand for Seafood
Brief Nutritional Data for Select Fish Species: A Snapshot
Energy, Water, Protein and Fat Content for Select Seafood, Meat
and Eggs, Grains, Fruits & Vegetables, and Beverages (per 100
Vitamin Content (Vit A, Vit D, Vit E, Vit B1, Vit B2, Niacin
NE, Vit B6, Folic Acid, Vit B12, And Vit C) For Select
Seafood, Meat And Eggs, Grains, Fruits & Vegetables, and
Beverages (per 100 grams)
Mineral Content (Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, and
Iodine) for Select Seafood, Meat and Eggs, Grains, Fruits &
Vegetables, and Beverages (per 100 grams)
Fat Content (Saturated, Mono-unsaturated, Polyunsaturated, EPA,
and DHA) in Select Lean Fish, Moderately Fatty Fish, Fatty
Fish and Shellfish Species (per 100 grams)
Seafood: A Primary Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 Content in Major Seafood Products (In Milligrams of
Omega-3 per 3 ounce of Cooked Variety)
The Vital Need to Meet Food Security Concerns of the Expanding
Global Population Opens Up Growth Avenues
World Population (in Thousands) by Geographic Region for the
Years 2019, 2030, 2050, 2100
Worldwide Number of Undernourished People in Millions for the
Years 2012 through 2018
Increasing Per Capita Seafood Consumption to Benefit Market
Global Per Capita Fish Consumption (in Kg per Capita) by Region
for 2019
Global Per Capita Fish Consumption (in Kg/Person/Year) by
Region/Country for 2015-17 and 2027
Surging Demand for Fresh/Live/Chilled Seafood Catapults the
Category to the Dominant Position
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Supporting Growth of Seafood
Frozen Seafood Market: Advancements in Freezing Methods and
Technologies Fuel Growth Prospects
Retail Sector Growth Contributes to Sales Volume Expansion
Products in Innovative Packaging Grab Consumer Attention
Eco-Labeled Products in Demand
Innovative Traceability Tools Improve Image of Seafood in
Retail Channels
Seafood Retailing Gains Momentum through Online and E-Commerce
Steady Demand for Safe and Convenient Seafood Sustains Market
Growth for Prepared/ Preserved Seafood
Canned Seafood Market Continues to Gain Traction
Whie Low Value Fish Drive Volume Gains, High Value Fish Product
Vital for Revenue Growth
Crustaceans: Low-Volume, High-Revenue Generating Segment
Molluscs: A Delicacy among Seafood Lovers
Fishmeal & Fish Oil Remain Niche Revenue Contributors
Scientific & Technological Advancements: Opportunity for the
New Generation Processing Machines
Innovative Technologies to Aid Sustainable Seafood Ecosystem
A Glance at Select Product Innovations in Seafood Industry
Rising Awareness of Sustainable Procedures Drives Popularity of
Small Scale Aquaculture
Key Issues & Challenges Hampering Growth Prospects
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing
Mislabeled Seafood
Inadequate Fishing Policies
Poor Storage Facilities
Health Related Issues
Production and Consumption Scenario for Select Fish & Seafood
World Tuna Market: Breakdown of Volume Production (in %) by
Production for 2019
Primary Markets for Salmon Worldwide
Global Salmonids Supply: Production Volume in Thousand Tonnes
GWT for Wild Salmonids and Farmed Salmonids for the Years 2012
through 2018
Global Atlantic Salmon Market: Breakdown of Harvest Volume
(in Thousand Tonnes GWT) by Region/Country for 2012 & 2018
Global Consumption of Farmed Atlantic Salmon: Percentage
Breakdown of Consumption Volume by Region/Country for 2019
Per Capita Consumption of Salmon in Kg per Year by Country for
Impact of COVID-19 on Salmon Demand
Global Snow Crabs Market: Percentage Breakdown of Production
Volume by Country for 2019
World Shrimp Production by Species (in %) for 2019
World Lobster Production by Country (in %) for 2019
World Lobster Production by Species (in %) for 2019
Seabream & Seabass
World Seabass and Seabream Production by Species (in %) for 2019
World Seabass Production by Country (In %) for 2019
World Seabream Production by Country (In %) for 2019
Rainbow Trout
World Cephalopods Production by Species (in %) for 2019
Other Species
Global Seafood Trade: An Overview
Fisheries: Among the Most Traded Food Commodities
Global Fish and Fishery Products Export Value (in US$ Billion)
by Country for 2018
Global Seafood Market: Breakdown of Import Value by Country for
Demand for Diverse Products Boosts Trade Volumes
Product Overview
Seafood: A Prelude
Types of Seafood
Packaging & Labeling
Fresh Seafoods
Frozen Seafoods
Storing and Thawing
IQF Packaging Frozen Fish
Other Forms of Packaging Frozen Fish
Other Seafood Categories

Table 1: Seafood Global Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$
Million by Region/Country: 2020-2027

Table 2: Seafood Global Retrospective Market Scenario in US$
Million by Region/Country: 2012-2019

Table 3: Seafood Market Share Shift across Key Geographies
Worldwide: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 4: Ground Fish (Product Type) World Market by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 5: Ground Fish (Product Type) Historic Market Analysis by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 6: Ground Fish (Product Type) Market Share Breakdown of
Worldwide Sales by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 7: Pelagics (Product Type) Potential Growth Markets
Worldwide in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 8: Pelagics (Product Type) Historic Market Perspective by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 9: Pelagics (Product Type) Market Sales Breakdown by
Region/Country in Percentage: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 10: Tuna (Product Type) Geographic Market Spread
Worldwide in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 11: Tuna (Product Type) Region Wise Breakdown of Global
Historic Demand in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 12: Tuna (Product Type) Market Share Distribution in
Percentage by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 13: Salmonids (Product Type) World Market Estimates and
Forecasts by Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 14: Salmonids (Product Type) Market Historic Review by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 15: Salmonids (Product Type) Market Share Breakdown by
Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 16: Molluscs (Product Type) World Market by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 17: Molluscs (Product Type) Historic Market Analysis by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 18: Molluscs (Product Type) Market Share Distribution in
Percentage by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 19: Crustaceans (Product Type) World Market Estimates and
Forecasts in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2020 to 2027

Table 20: Crustaceans (Product Type) Market Worldwide Historic
Review by Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 21: Crustaceans (Product Type) Market Percentage Share
Distribution by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 22: Other Product Types (Product Type) Market Opportunity
Analysis Worldwide in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2020 to

Table 23: Other Product Types (Product Type) Global Historic
Demand in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2012 to 2019

Table 24: Other Product Types (Product Type) Market Share
Distribution in Percentage by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS

Table 25: Chilled (Variety) World Market by Region/Country in
US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 26: Chilled (Variety) Historic Market Analysis by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 27: Chilled (Variety) Market Share Breakdown of Worldwide
Sales by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 28: Frozen (Variety) Potential Growth Markets Worldwide
in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 29: Frozen (Variety) Historic Market Perspective by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 30: Frozen (Variety) Market Sales Breakdown by
Region/Country in Percentage: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 31: Ambient (Variety) Geographic Market Spread Worldwide
in US$ Million: 2020 to 2027

Table 32: Ambient (Variety) Region Wise Breakdown of Global
Historic Demand in US$ Million: 2012 to 2019

Table 33: Ambient (Variety) Market Share Distribution in
Percentage by Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027



Impact of COVID-19
A Major Market for Seafood
Composting Gains Importance
Key Statistical Findings
US Finfish Market by Type: 2019
US Crustacean Market By Species: 2019
US Commercial Landings for Fresh and Frozen Tuna: 2019
Marine Aquaculture Production in the US by Region (2019):
Percentage Breakdown of Volume Production for Atlantic, Gulf,
and Pacific
US Per Capita Consumption of Seafood (pounds/person/year) by
Species: 2019
US Per Capita Consumption of Commercial Fish & Shell Fish:
(2014-2018): Breakdown by Fresh & Frozen, Canned, and Cured (In
Aquaculture Market and Seafood Consumption Volumes
Aquaculture Producing Regions in the US by Species Produced
Evolution of Aquaculture over Wild Harvest
Innovative Seafood Products Gain Demand
Growing Popularity of Organic Seafood Bodes Well for the Market
Change in Lobster Consumption Patterns
Salmon: A Rapidly Growing Seafood Segment
Regulatory Environment
Distribution Landscape
US Seafood Market by Distribution Format (in %): 2019
Private Labels Lead Retail Sales of Refrigerated Seafood
Leading Brands in the US Refrigerated Seafoods Market by
Consumer Preference: 2019
Seafood Trade Scenario in the US
South-East Asia: A Major Seafood Supplier to the US
Market Analytics
Table 34: United States Seafood Market Estimates and
Projections in US$ Million by Product Type: 2020 to 2027

Table 35: Seafood Market in the United States by Product Type:
A Historic Review in US$ Million for 2012-2019

Table 36: United States Seafood Market Share Breakdown by
Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 37: United States Seafood Market Estimates and
Projections in US$ Million by Variety: 2020 to 2027

Table 38: Seafood Market in the United States by Variety:
A Historic Review in US$ Million for 2012-2019

Table 39: United States Seafood Market Share Breakdown by
Variety: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Market Overview
Market Analytics
Table 40: Canadian Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in
US$ Million by Product Type: 2020 to 2027

Table 41: Canadian Seafood Historic Market Review by Product
Type in US$ Million: 2012-2019

Table 42: Seafood Market in Canada: Percentage Share Breakdown
of Sales by Product Type for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Table 43: Canadian Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in
US$ Million by Variety: 2020 to 2027

Table 44: Canadian Seafood Historic Market Review by Variety in
US$ Million: 2012-2019

Table 45: Seafood Market in Canada: Percentage Share Breakdown
of Sales by Variety for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Market Overview
Fish and Meat Consumption Per Day Per Person: A Comparison of
Select Markets
Safe and Quality Fishery Products: The Most Sought After
Packaging of Fishery Products
Trade Scenario
Market Analytics
Table 46: Japanese Market for Seafood: Annual Sales Estimates
and Projections in US$ Million by Product Type for the Period

Table 47: Seafood Market in Japan: Historic Sales Analysis in
US$ Million by Product Type for the Period 2012-2019

Table 48: Japanese Seafood Market Share Analysis by Product
Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 49: Japanese Market for Seafood: Annual Sales Estimates
and Projections in US$ Million by Variety for the Period

Table 50: Seafood Market in Japan: Historic Sales Analysis in
US$ Million by Variety for the Period 2012-2019

Table 51: Japanese Seafood Market Share Analysis by Variety:
2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

COVID-19 Disrupts the Seafood Supply Chain
The Leading Producer, Consumer, and Exporter of Seafood Worldwide
Despite Tough Competition from Frozen Seafood, Live Seafood
Dominates Consumption
Rising Adoption of Western Lifestyles Drive Popularity of
Frozen Seafood
China: A Major Contender in the Global Tuna Market
Tightening Regulatory Landscape
Trade Scenario
Market Analytics
Table 52: Chinese Seafood Market Growth Prospects in US$
Million by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027

Table 53: Seafood Historic Market Analysis in China in US$
Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

Table 54: Chinese Seafood Market by Product Type: Percentage
Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Table 55: Chinese Seafood Market Growth Prospects in US$
Million by Variety for the Period 2020-2027

Table 56: Seafood Historic Market Analysis in China in US$
Million by Variety: 2012-2019

Table 57: Chinese Seafood Market by Variety: Percentage
Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Impact of COVID-19
Potential to Reduce Dependence on Traditional Fishing Sustains
Market Growth
EU Fisheries and Aquaculture Production (2019): Percentage
Breakdown of Production Volume by Aquaculture and Wild Catch
Aquaculture Market in the EU: Percentage Breakdown of
Production Value by Category of Farmed Fish for 2019
Market Analytics
Table 58: European Seafood Market Demand Scenario in US$
Million by Region/Country: 2020-2027

Table 59: Seafood Market in Europe: A Historic Market
Perspective in US$ Million by Region/Country for the Period

Table 60: European Seafood Market Share Shift by
Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 61: European Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in
US$ Million by Product Type: 2020-2027

Table 62: Seafood Market in Europe in US$ Million by Product
Type: A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019

Table 63: European Seafood Market Share Breakdown by Product
Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 64: European Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in
US$ Million by Variety: 2020-2027

Table 65: Seafood Market in Europe in US$ Million by Variety:
A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019

Table 66: European Seafood Market Share Breakdown by Variety:
2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Market Overview
French Fish & Seafood Market by Distribution Channel (in %) for
Seafood Production Mainly Focused on Tuna, Oysters, Mussels
France: A Major Seafood Importer in Europe
Market Analytics
Table 67: Seafood Market in France by Product Type: Estimates
and Projections in US$ Million for the Period 2020-2027

Table 68: French Seafood Historic Market Scenario in US$
Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

Table 69: French Seafood Market Share Analysis by Product Type:
2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 70: Seafood Market in France by Variety: Estimates and
Projections in US$ Million for the Period 2020-2027

Table 71: French Seafood Historic Market Scenario in US$
Million by Variety: 2012-2019

Table 72: French Seafood Market Share Analysis by Variety: 2012
VS 2020 VS 2027

Market Overview
Market Analytics
Table 73: Seafood Market in Germany: Recent Past, Current and
Future Analysis in US$ Million by Product Type for the Period

Table 74: German Seafood Historic Market Analysis in US$
Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

Table 75: German Seafood Market Share Breakdown by Product
Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 76: Seafood Market in Germany: Recent Past, Current and
Future Analysis in US$ Million by Variety for the Period

Table 77: German Seafood Historic Market Analysis in US$
Million by Variety: 2012-2019

Table 78: German Seafood Market Share Breakdown by Variety:
2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Market Overview
Leading Brands in the Italian Canned Tuna Market: Percentage
Breakdown of Sales by Brand for 2019
Market Analytics
Table 79: Italian Seafood Market Growth Prospects in US$
Million by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027

Table 80: Seafood Historic Market Analysis in Italy in US$
Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

Table 81: Italian Seafood Market by Product Type: Percentage
Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Table 82: Italian Seafood Market Growth Prospects in US$
Million by Variety for the Period 2020-2027

Table 83: Seafood Historic Market Analysis in Italy in US$
Million by Variety: 2012-2019

Table 84: Italian Seafood Market by Variety: Percentage
Breakdown of Sales for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Market Overview
Aquaculture: A Vital Constituent of UK?s Seafood Industry
UK Aquaculture Market: Percentage Breakdown of Production
Volume by Region (2019)
Atlantic Salmon: A Promising Segment Market
Leading Farmed Atlantic Salmon Companies in the UK: Percentage
Breakdown of Harvest Volume for 2019
Canned Tuna Market
Leading Players in the UK Canned Tuna Market: Percentage
Breakdown of Sales by Company for 2019
Market Analytics
Table 85: United Kingdom Market for Seafood: Annual Sales
Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Product Type for
the Period 2020-2027

Table 86: Seafood Market in the United Kingdom: Historic Sales
Analysis in US$ Million by Product Type for the Period

Table 87: United Kingdom Seafood Market Share Analysis by
Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 88: United Kingdom Market for Seafood: Annual Sales
Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Variety for the
Period 2020-2027

Table 89: Seafood Market in the United Kingdom: Historic Sales
Analysis in US$ Million by Variety for the Period 2012-2019

Table 90: United Kingdom Seafood Market Share Analysis by
Variety: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

A Major Aquaculture Production Country in Europe
Mussels, Seabream, and Rainbow Trout Lead Aquaculture Cultivation
Market Analytics
Table 91: Spanish Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$
Million by Product Type: 2020 to 2027

Table 92: Spanish Seafood Historic Market Review by Product
Type in US$ Million: 2012-2019

Table 93: Seafood Market in Spain: Percentage Share Breakdown
of Sales by Product Type for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Table 94: Spanish Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$
Million by Variety: 2020 to 2027

Table 95: Spanish Seafood Historic Market Review by Variety in
US$ Million: 2012-2019

Table 96: Seafood Market in Spain: Percentage Share Breakdown
of Sales by Variety for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Russia: A Major Market for Seafood in Europe
A Major Aquaculture Market
Russian Aquaculture Market (2019): Percentage Breakdown of
Production Volume by Fresh Water Aquaculture and Mariculture
Fresh Water Aquaculture Market in Russia: Percentage Breakdown
of Production Volume by Species for 2019
Salmon Market: A Promising Segment for Aquaculture Industry in
Market Analytics
Table 97: Russian Seafood Market Estimates and Projections in
US$ Million by Product Type: 2020 to 2027

Table 98: Seafood Market in Russia by Product Type: A Historic
Review in US$ Million for 2012-2019

Table 99: Russian Seafood Market Share Breakdown by Product
Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 100: Russian Seafood Market Estimates and Projections in
US$ Million by Variety: 2020 to 2027

Table 101: Seafood Market in Russia by Variety: A Historic
Review in US$ Million for 2012-2019

Table 102: Russian Seafood Market Share Breakdown by Variety:
2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Norway: A Global Exporter of Seafood
Aquaculture Market: An Overview
Leading Farmed Atlantic Salmon Companies in Norway: Percentage
Breakdown of Harvest Volume by Player for 2019
Belgian Seafood Market: An Overview
Market Analytics
Table 103: Rest of Europe Seafood Market Estimates and
Forecasts in US$ Million by Product Type: 2020-2027

Table 104: Seafood Market in Rest of Europe in US$ Million by
Product Type: A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019

Table 105: Rest of Europe Seafood Market Share Breakdown by
Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 106: Rest of Europe Seafood Market Estimates and
Forecasts in US$ Million by Variety: 2020-2027

Table 107: Seafood Market in Rest of Europe in US$ Million by
Variety: A Historic Review for the Period 2012-2019

Table 108: Rest of Europe Seafood Market Share Breakdown by
Variety: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Asia-Pacific Seafood Market: Overview
Market Analytics
Table 109: Asia-Pacific Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts
in US$ Million by Region/Country: 2020-2027

Table 110: Seafood Market in Asia-Pacific: Historic Market
Analysis in US$ Million by Region/Country for the Period

Table 111: Asia-Pacific Seafood Market Share Analysis by
Region/Country: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 112: Seafood Market in Asia-Pacific by Product Type:
Estimates and Projections in US$ Million for the Period

Table 113: Asia-Pacific Seafood Historic Market Scenario in US$
Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

Table 114: Asia-Pacific Seafood Market Share Analysis by
Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 115: Seafood Market in Asia-Pacific by Variety: Estimates
and Projections in US$ Million for the Period 2020-2027

Table 116: Asia-Pacific Seafood Historic Market Scenario in US$
Million by Variety: 2012-2019

Table 117: Asia-Pacific Seafood Market Share Analysis by
Variety: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Market Overview
Trade Scenario
Consumption Trends
Australian Seafood Market by Seafood Type (2020): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Consumption for Abalone, Oysters, Prawns,
Rock Lobster, Salmon, Scallops, Tuna, and Others
Leading Salmon Companies in Australia (2020): Percentage
Breakdown of Volume Production for Huon Aquaculture, Tassal
and Others
Australian Prawn Market
Australian Prawn Production (2020): Percentage Breakdown of
Volume Production by State
Australian Prawns Market by Source (2020): Percentage Breakdown
of Volume Consumption for Domestic Production and Imported
Seafood Imports
Market Analytics
Table 118: Seafood Market in Australia: Recent Past, Current
and Future Analysis in US$ Million by Product Type for the
Period 2020-2027

Table 119: Australian Seafood Historic Market Analysis in US$
Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

Table 120: Australian Seafood Market Share Breakdown by Product
Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 121: Seafood Market in Australia: Recent Past, Current
and Future Analysis in US$ Million by Variety for the Period

Table 122: Australian Seafood Historic Market Analysis in US$
Million by Variety: 2012-2019

Table 123: Australian Seafood Market Share Breakdown by
Variety: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Market Overview
Freshwater Aquaculture
Brackish Water Aquaculture
Marine Capture
Seafood Production and Trade: India Set to Increase Global
Share through 2030
Expansion of Processed Seafood Segment
Market Structure
Market Analytics
Table 124: Indian Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$
Million by Product Type: 2020 to 2027

Table 125: Indian Seafood Historic Market Review by Product
Type in US$ Million: 2012-2019

Table 126: Seafood Market in India: Percentage Share Breakdown
of Sales by Product Type for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Table 127: Indian Seafood Market Estimates and Forecasts in US$
Million by Variety: 2020 to 2027

Table 128: Indian Seafood Historic Market Review by Variety in
US$ Million: 2012-2019

Table 129: Seafood Market in India: Percentage Share Breakdown
of Sales by Variety for 2012, 2020, and 2027

Market Overview
Market Analytics
Table 130: Seafood Market in South Korea: Recent Past, Current
and Future Analysis in US$ Million by Product Type for the
Period 2020-2027

Table 131: South Korean Seafood Historic Market Analysis in US$
Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

Table 132: Seafood Market Share Distribution in South Korea by
Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 133: Seafood Market in South Korea: Recent Past, Current
and Future Analysis in US$ Million by Variety for the Period

Table 134: South Korean Seafood Historic Market Analysis in US$
Million by Variety: 2012-2019

Table 135: Seafood Market Share Distribution in South Korea by
Variety: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

New Zealand
Leading Seafood Companies in the Philippines (2019): Percentage
Breakdown of Value Sales by Company
Leading Canned Tuna Companies in the Philippines (2019):
Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales by Company
Market Analytics
Table 136: Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Seafood: Annual
Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Product Type
for the Period 2020-2027

Table 137: Seafood Market in Rest of Asia-Pacific: Historic
Sales Analysis in US$ Million by Product Type for the Period

Table 138: Rest of Asia-Pacific Seafood Market Share Analysis
by Product Type: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 139: Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Seafood: Annual
Sales Estimates and Projections in US$ Million by Variety for
the Period 2020-2027

Table 140: Seafood Market in Rest of Asia-Pacific: Historic
Sales Analysis in US$ Million by Variety for the Period

Table 141: Rest of Asia-Pacific Seafood Market Share Analysis
by Variety: 2012 VS 2020 VS 2027

Table 142: Latin American Seafood Market Trends by
Region/Country in US$ Million: 2020-2027

Table 143: Seafood Market in Latin America in US$ Million by
Region/Country: A Historic Perspective for the Period 2012-2019

Table 144: Latin American Seafood Market Percentage Breakdown
of Sales by Region/Country: 2012, 2020, and 2027

Table 145: Latin American Seafood Market Growth Prospects in
US$ Million by Product Type for the Period 2020-2027

Table 146: Seafood Historic Market Analysis in Latin America in
US$ Million by Product Type: 2012-2019

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